Saturday, December 8, 2012

46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair

Some of these signs of a cheating spouse are "tongue in cheek" while others are tell tale signs that commonly appear with a cheating husband or cheating wife. There is no copyright. Feel free to forward to those who might be interested. But please don't change anything.

Signs of a Cheating Spouse:

1) You find birth-control pills in her medicine cabinet, and you've had a vasectomy.

2) Mutual friends start acting strangely toward you. (They either know about the cheating or have been told stories about what a horrible wife or girlfriend you are.)

3) Your cheating husband or wife stops confiding in you and seeking advice from you.

4) Sets up a new e-mail account and doesn't tell you about it.

5) He leaves the house in the morning smelling like Irish Spring and returns in the evening smelling like Safeguard.

6) She joins the gym and begins a rigorous workout program.

7) She buys a cell phone and doesn't let you know.

8) He sets up a separate cell phone account that is billed to his office.

9) The cheating husband carries condoms, and you are on the pill.

10) Begins to delete all incoming phone calls from the caller ID.

11) Deletes all incoming e-mails when they used to accumulate.

12) He becomes "accusatory," asking if you are being true to him, usually out of guilt.

13) Raises hypothetical questions such as, "Do you think it's possible to love more than one person at a time?"

14) He buys himself new underwear.

15) He insists the child seat, toys, etc., are kept out of his car.

16) The cheating wife stops wearing her wedding ring.

17) Has a sudden desire to be helpful with the laundry.

18) Has unexplained scratches or bruises on his or her neck or back.

19) Suddenly wants to try new love techniques.

20) He/she fairly suddenly stops having sex with you.

21) He/she suddenly wants more sex, more often.

22) Supposedly works a lot of overtime, but it never shows up on the pay stub.

23) Picks fights in order to stomp out of the house.

24) You find out by accident he or she took vacation day or personal time off from work - but supposedly worked on those days.

25) Shows a sudden interest in a different type of music.

26) Spouse's co-workers are uncomfortable in your presence.

27) Has a sudden preoccupation with his or her appearance.

28) Spends an excessive amount of time on the computer, especially after you have gone to bed.

29) He throws up a lot because he just ate at his mistress's house and had to eat the dinner you prepared when he got home.

30) Your spouse is away from home, either nights or on trips, more than previously.

31) His/her clothes smell of an unfamiliar perfume or after-shave. You see lipstick on your husband's shirt.

32) The amount of money being deposited into your checking account drops off.

33) You find items of intimate apparel or other small gift-type items that you did not give your spouse.

34) Your spouse seems less comfortable around you and is "touchy" and easily moved to anger.

35) You get calls where the caller hangs up when he or she hears your voice.

36) He/she loses attention in the activities in the home.

37) Your intuition (gut feeling) tells you that something is not right.

38) He/she has a definite change in attitude towards everyone in the home.

39) She uses a low voice or whisper on the phone or hangs up quickly.

40) She has a "glow" about her.

41) Atypical erratic behavior.

42) He sneaks out of the house.

43) She sleeps with her purse by the bed.

44) She goes to the store for groceries and comes home 5 hours later.

45) He tells you that you can get hold of him at a different telephone number.

46) The telltale sign of a cheating spouse? Having to ask that question in the first place.

46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair   46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair   

Podcast Partakers

In this day and age it is rare that you see anyone not literally and physically connected to some type of digital device at any point during the day or night. Whether they are texting, surfing the net on the phone, talking via their blue tooth, or on the computer, pretty much everyone has dedicated him/herself to this digital time that we are living.

Without a doubt, society has changed and advanced technologically, and continues to do so on a daily basis. As far as business is concerned, if you do not use technology and all of the forms marketing that it has to offer, your business does not even exist. There are so many avenues that a person can use to market his/her business nowadays that it is amazing that more people do not take advantage of them.

Many business minded and forward thinking individual have jumped on board and have taken advantage of using the internet to promote themselves and their businesses. For example, the multitude of social networks out there offer a way of communicating with the masses and it does not cost anything to do so. Some also opt to streamline their connection with the public at large through teleseminars or webinars. Others choose to partake in the art of podcasting.

Podcasting is quickly gaining popularity because it has a relationship factor to it. By definition, a podcast is a series of digital media files that are released episodically to the public. They can be either audio or video files and they are typically presented though some type of web syndication such as iTunes, Zyne, Juice, or Winamp. These syndicates automatically identify and download new files in a series as soon the podcasts are released.

This relatively new method of marketing has many benefits to offer because not only is it inexpensive is easy to manage and it advertises and promotes on a local and global scale. This online medium of broadcasting is way that a person can both brand and build up a business. Through podcasts, anyone has the ability to establish themselves as an expert in their respective field.

Podcasters and those whole listen and watch podcasts on a regular basis are typically between the age of twenty five and forty five and they also tend to be active online consumers. People who choose to take part in these podcasts have made a conscious effort to interact with you and are genuinely interested in what you have to say and also sell.

Putting on a podcast usually only needs to be done about once a month, but it offers you the ability to engage your audience and because it is continuous it is also allow you the ability to build a rapport with your interested and potential customers and clients. Since there is a certain level of trust that is built up between you and your audience, they are often more willing to buy what you are selling.

In order to put on a successful podcast you have to consider some specific elem

How Podcasting Can Help Your Online Business   Podcast - How Did it All Begin?   Podcasting - A Look at What it is and How it Started   Podcasts As Internet Marketing Tools - Is Audio Or Video Better?   Marketing With Podcasting   

Talk Radio Podcasts - What to Talk About

Ready to start your own talk radio podcast but feeling stuck about what exactly you'll talk about? Here are some ideas to create regular content:

Teach Something

Do you have an area of expertise that you can share information on while promoting your products or services? A podcast is a great way to share your expertise with your listeners weekly. Give them useful information but always leave them wanting to know more. This way you will create a drive to continue to tune into your podcasts while also creating an interest in the products or services you have to sell.

Read Your Book

Are you an author with a book or eBook that you want to promote? A great way to do so is to start a weekly podcast where you share 10-15 minutes from your book and discuss that for your listeners. Of course you'll want to be careful not to give away your entire book on your podcast but giving your podcast subscribers a great sampling of what you have available will leave them wanting to know more. Make sure with each podcast that you give clear directions on how to buy your book.

Interview Experts

A good way to create expert status yourself is to interview other experts. Not only that, but interviewing experts brings some much needed exposure to your podcast when your experts share the link to your podcast with their audience. Interviews have been and always will be popular. People want to know what others are doing because we can always learn from the experience and mistakes of someone who's been where we want to be.

Tip of the Week

Another idea is to pick a new topic each week and provide a quick and useful tip. Podcasts don't have to be long. If you want to do a five minute podcast that's great or you could do one that's an hour long, it's entirely up to you. By providing a tip every week you can keep your listeners engaged and point them towards more resources (ideally your own products or services).


You can also start a podcast that focuses entirely on bringing the most recent news in your industry to your listeners. Add your own comments. People always want to know the latest happenings and how it affects them. Promote your own products or services by offering solutions to the issues that arise out of the most recent news.

So there you have a few ideas for starting your new podcast.

How Podcasting Can Help Your Online Business   Podcast - How Did it All Begin?   Podcasting - A Look at What it is and How it Started   Podcasts As Internet Marketing Tools - Is Audio Or Video Better?   

Six Answers to Know Before Asking for an Auto Insurance Quote

In order to save money on auto insurance, you should shop for it often and with different providers. It saves you money to ask for quotes at least eight days before the policy becomes effective.

But no matter how many quotes you are requesting, you should know the answers to most common questions that insurance agent will ask you. Here are some of them.

What is your name, date of birth, driver's license, and social security number? The agent will ask you to provide full names of all drivers that will be listed on the policy as it is written on their driver license. Driver's license number and date of birth also should be given to the agent at the time of quoting. This information helps to identify the person and run driving record history. Insurance companies like drivers with no traffic violations and give them preferred insurance rates. What is the year, make, and model of the car? The agent will not need to know the color of the vehicle or the license plate number. Both of those things can change and it will not make a difference on the insurance premium. The make and model of the car will make a difference. Insurance companies use rating system to evaluate each vehicle. Some vehicles are more preferred than others. More expensive cars are more expensive to insure. Where you garage the vehicle? Insurance companies don't like the vehicles to be parked overnight on the streets, in busy parking lots of dormitories, colleges and other busy to traffic areas. In addition to that, every insurance company rates specific area with a code. Some areas that are high in crime and break-ins charged higher insurance premiums. What is vehicle identification number (VIN) of the car? Claims report it is very important in determining insurance rate and it will be run at the time the quote is prepared. Depending on insurance agent, the report might be run at the time when the policy issued, and that can change the rate of the policy. How far you drive to work? If you drive less than four or five miles one way every day, you might be getting a discount. Do you have something added to your car that was not there when the car came out of the factory? If you added any special equipment, rims, carpets, which includes stereos, and any other custom upgrades to your car, you should insure it. When getting a quote, mention it to the insurance agent. Gather receipts to prove the value of your upgrades. Different Types of Van Insurance   Significance of Using Auto Insurance Quotes   Auto Insurance Myths You Should Know About   Why Teen Drivers Are More Susceptible to Car Accidents   

Car Insurance Quotes Online - How to Save Money on Auto Insurance

People are worried about their jobs, their savings and how they are going to pay their bills - spend a lot of time reviewing their day to day expenses. But taking a minute to step back and look at the big picture could help you cut costs on one of your larger monthly bills.

According to SVP - Public Affairs and Consumer Spokesperson Jeanne Salvatore of the Insurance Information Institute, "With the shaky economy, consumers are looking for every way possible to save money. They may be surprised to learn that there are ways to save money on your auto insurance."

Coverage options and their nature

Motorists are required to carry liability protection which will pay for damages you cause to another person or their property. Whatever coverages are optional such as: 1.collision which will repair and replace your car if you're in an accident and 2. comprehensive coverage which will reimburse you - with your car stolen, for example. Both collision and comprehensive coverage are sold with a deductible which is the amount of money you pay following an accident before your insurance kicks in.

Money-saving suggestions for an older car

If you're carrying collision and comprehensive insurance on an older car, consider dropping it. It's not cost effective to carry too much coverage on an older car. And, depending on the naked model, you could save anywhere from 10-40% on your annual premium.

If you decide to keep those coverages, then consider raising the deductibles. By going from $250 to $1000, you could save between 15 and 20% on your premium. But that only makes sense if you have enough cash in the bank to cover that deductible.

Other money-saving methods in auto-insurance

Being a safe driver, maintaining good credit and taking advantage of available discounts can also significantly lower your premiums.

And finally, you can save hundreds of dollars by shopping around. Compare price but also look into the financial health of the company and find out if it is customer friendly. Ask friends about their experiences with filing claims.

Executive Director Sally Greenberg of the National Consumers League suggests - "I would call two or three different companies and get written quotes from them... and make sure that you're comparing apples and apples because there's different levels of protection and deductibles."

Remember, auto-insurance is a very competitive business with many companies to choose from. Look for one that offers good value and good customer service.

Different Types of Van Insurance   Significance of Using Auto Insurance Quotes   Auto Insurance Myths You Should Know About   Why Teen Drivers Are More Susceptible to Car Accidents   Do I Need Car Repair Insurance for Used Cars   

The Importance Of Having Vehicle Insurance

If you have your own car, one of the things that you should know about is the importance of getting insurance. As a matter of fact, it may be more significant than you think.

The fact is, your car is one of the best investments you can ever make. As you may very well know, you spent a lot of money on buying that car. And of course, money is not that easy to earn nowadays. It comes from years of hard work. Even if you bought the car through a loan, you will still be working hard to earn the money to pay for it.

Given that, you should make it a point to protect your investment. One way to do that is to get a car insurance. This is one of the best investments you can make as well. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of reasons why you should get a vehicle insurance. Here are a few reasons why you ought to consider getting insurance.

1. Legal requirement

One of the main reasons why you should get car insurance is for legal purposes. The fact is, most states in America require car owners to have their own car insurance. That means, it is illegal to drive if you do not have it. You should check this with your local authorities to make sure. You can also ask the company or car dealer from where you bought your car.

Another fact that you must know about the importance of getting vehicle insurance for legal purposes is that there are states which will require you to have a specific type of insurance. For instance, some states would oblige you to have liability car insurance. But there are certain states which will require you to have something more than that. Thus, you have to clear these with the authorities.

If not, you would have to face the risk of being pulled over when you drive around town. And mind you, the penalties can be stiff. For instance, the authorities may take your vehicle and have it impounded right on the spot. More than that, you will also have to pay a certain fee which can be costly.

2. Financial security

Financial security is also among the main reasons why people get car insurance. The fact is, this will give you some sort of protection from personal liability in terms of finances.

Say for instance you encountered an accident. Of course, you will be brought to the hospital for treatment. And you may be very much aware of the high costs of medical bills. During such medical emergencies, you will need a lot of money to pay for the bills. That can mean selling some of your properties or getting an immediate loan.

But on the other hand, if you have that covered by your insurance, you can have one thing eliminated from your worries. Depending on the terms, conditions and coverage of your car insurance policy, your company will be the one to pay for any medical expenses you incur.

Different Types of Van Insurance   Significance of Using Auto Insurance Quotes   Auto Insurance Myths You Should Know About   Why Teen Drivers Are More Susceptible to Car Accidents   No Down Payment For Auto Insurance?   Auto Insurance - Top Tips to Help You Save Big   

5 Steps to Getting Cheap Car Insurance

Getting cheap car insurance is not a myth or an unrealistic theme of Hollywood fantasy films. It's a reality for thousands of American drivers who have learned how the insurance system works. Armed with that knowledge it becomes fairly easy to find a car insurance company willing to give you what you want. It's so easy in fact, were surprised more people don't know how to do it. The good news is that we are here to help with our 5 steps to getting cheap car insurance.

Step 1 - Know What You Want and Need

Knowing what you want and need before you start looking for quotes is the single most important thing you can do here. Take the issue of minimum liability insurance, for example. Every state except Iowa requires drivers to provide some sort of financial protection in case of an accident; most of us meet this requirement through standard liability insurance.

Unless your vehicle still has an outstanding loan, all you're required to carry by law is minimum liability. This is the absolute cheapest type of insurance you can purchase. Just keep in mind that liability only covers other people and their property; it doesn't cover your or your car.

Step 2 - Find out the Value of Your Car

If you plan to carry collision and comprehensive insurance, even though you don't away money on your vehicle, you may want to reconsider based on the value of your car. In other words, if the Kelley Blue Book or NADA value of your car is currently only a couple of thousand dollars, it's not worth it to carry comprehensive and collision because you'd never get enough money out of the policy in the event of an accident. As long as you have a clean title a general rule is to not carry comprehensive and collision on vehicles valued at less than $4000.

Step 3 - Know the Drivers You Will Be Adding to Your Policy

In most states you are required to report all licensed drivers living in your household to your insurance company, unless those drivers have their own vehicles and policies. This means that a younger driver with a poor record will result in a higher rate for you. Likewise, an older driver with a clean record will mean lower rates. If getting cheap car insurance you can afford is impossible with high-risk drivers living your household, ask them to get their own policies so as not to drag you down.

Step 4 - Assemble Your Quotes

Once you know your needs, the value of your car, and the other drivers in your household, you'll be ready to start assembling quotes. You should avoid negotiating during this initial phase so it doesn't interfere with your objective comparison of all the quotes you're getting. When you do compare quotes you want to pay attention to the overall value of the policy. In other words, how much protection are you getting for the amount of money you're spending? By comparing you should be able to narrow down your list to a couple of top candidates.

Step 5 - Hammer It out

The final step is to hammer out your final price with an insurance agent or company representative. Use all the leverage you can, including your own good driving record, your good credit score, any discounts you might be eligible for, and so on. If you can convince the insurance company representative you know what you're talking about you'll be able to control the negotiations and work them out to your favor.

Different Types of Van Insurance   Significance of Using Auto Insurance Quotes   Auto Insurance Myths You Should Know About   Why Teen Drivers Are More Susceptible to Car Accidents   Steps By Step Procedure To Choose Car Insurance   Auto Insurance And the Senior Citizen   

What You Need To Know About Florida's New Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance Statute

On May 04, 2012, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed legislation that was designed to reduce auto accident fraud, lower the cost of auto insurance premiums, and reduce the litigation costs associated with the current Personal Injury Protection ("PIP") insurance statute. The purpose of this article is to help Florida motorists understand the changes made in the revised statute and to discuss how the changes will impact auto accident insurance claims when the revised statute takes effect. A portion of the revised statute goes into effect on July 01, 2012, with the remainder going into effect on January 01, 2013. Keep in mind that, in most cases, your insurance company may not be required to amend your policy or notify you about these changes before this revised law applies to your situation.

· In most cases, the revised PIP statute will apply to accidents occurring after July 01, 2012.

· Despite the fact that you are required to have $10,000 in PIP insurance coverage, your claim for PIP benefits, if you are injured in an auto accident, will be limited to $2,500 unless a medical doctor, osteopathic physician, dentist, physician assistant, or an advanced registered nurse practitioner determines that you have an "emergency medical condition", as that term is defined in the revised statute.

· You MUST receive initial services and care within 14 days after your auto accident or you will NOT be eligible to recover PIP benefits.

· If you receive initial services and care within the 14 days, you can then seek follow-up treatment, consistent with the underlying medical diagnosis, as long as you get a referral from one of the medical providers listed in the statute

· Neither massage therapy nor acupuncture is covered under the revised PIP statute. If your treatment plan includes either, make sure you check to see if your health insurance will pay for those services or you may have to pay out of your own pocket.

· If you receive a bill from a medical provider for services that were provided to you, be sure to inquire as to why the bill was not paid by your PIP carrier. If the bill was not paid because the medical provider did not timely submit the bill to the PIP carrier, then the medical provider most likely will not be able to bill you for the charges that were not paid because of the untimely submission.

· If your insurance carrier requests that you submit to an examination under oath ("EUO"), be sure that you comply because if you don't your claim under PIP may be denied and you may have to pay for medical expenses that you have already incurred out of your own pocket.

· If your insurance carrier requests that you submit to a medical examination, be sure to give that request your immediate attention since an unreasonable refusal or failure to appear at the examination may result in your claim for subsequent PIP benefits being denied. Also, if you fail to appear at two (2) examinations, your refusal and/or failure to appear will be deemed unreasonable unless you can prove otherwise.

· Although one of the purposes behind the revised PIP statute was to lower insurance premiums, the Florida Legislature and Governor Scott gave the insurance companies an "out", so we will all have to wait to see what happens. I wouldn't hold your breath! Your safest bet would probably be to plan on your insurance premiums NOT decreasing, but we can always hope for the best.

Disclaimer: All information and documents contained herein have been prepared for informational and educational purposes only and should neither be construed as legal advice nor a legal opinion. The information and documents herein are general in nature and since the law changes frequently and may be interpreted or applied differently depending on your location and the specific facts and circumstances of your situation, this information is not a substitute for the advice of a competent lawyer. Lastly, the distribution or review of this information in no way creates an attorney/client relationship. For case-specific advice, please do not hesitate to contact the Weinstein Law Firm at (954) 757-7500.

Different Types of Van Insurance   Significance of Using Auto Insurance Quotes   Auto Insurance Myths You Should Know About   Why Teen Drivers Are More Susceptible to Car Accidents   No Down Payment For Auto Insurance?   

How to Stay Away From Swindlers While You Are Looking For Auto Insurance Quotes

People are taken advantage of every day. And this happens more so online than in the real world. This is not to say that every transaction done through the web is a scam. However, there is a big chance that you'd come across something illegitimate as you search for auto insurance quotes, for instance. To minimize getting tricked out of your hard earned money, here are some things you need to do or observe when planning to get a premium.

1. Do some research. Know what you're getting you're getting yourself into before you actually make a commitment. It's just like when you are dating. You don't just jump into bed with someone - he could be a serial killer for all you know. Go ahead and do some light reading. Talk to people about it too. Ask every single thing that comes to your mind. Find agents and brokers who would be willing to show you the ins and outs of auto insurance. And sign up for auto insurance quotes site services to get the right information. That should make you more confident about what you are paying for.

2. Never bite deals right away. Give yourself some time to think about it, regardless of how attractive it is or how limited the slots are. Work against the momentum, especially if it involves an unchecked expenditure. Sales people have a knack for hyping you and making you excited about a purchase. But you always have to be conscious of yourself and your surroundings and give yourself the opportunity to take everything in.

3. Read the fine print. Don't just glance and browse through the documents you are signing, especially if it is an auto insurance policy. Agents can promise you one thing. And the company can decide to give you another. Always get down to the details and comment, critique as well as negotiate the terms when money involved. That way, you minimize the risk of involving yourself in a bad transaction with people you do not know.

4. Play companies against each other. It makes no sense to be shy about the fact that you are considering other options. Most auto insurance firms already know that, even before you ask them of their merchandize. To check if you are dealing with a credible source, compare their offers upfront to what other providers are giving you. If they are able to explain comprehensible justifications which are in line with the usual truths of auto insurance, you can bet that they are not lying about what they have in store.

5. Test out the waters first. Don't dive in right away with a big insurance investment without fail-safe back up plan. It's just like when you are buying a car for the first time - you need to drive it around first and check how it works and feels. Go for a smallest monthly renewable premium first so you don't lose that much money and can back out of the payments after 30 days if you find it unsatisfactory.

Different Types of Van Insurance   Significance of Using Auto Insurance Quotes   Auto Insurance Myths You Should Know About   Why Teen Drivers Are More Susceptible to Car Accidents   No Down Payment For Auto Insurance?   Auto Insurance - Top Tips to Help You Save Big   

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)

Unforgiven, condemned, progressively worse

In our search for the universalist's theories in the words of Jesus, we will once more come up short as we examine Matthew 12. Bleak is the word for the future of the godless.

Matthew 12:31-32 . Jesus says here that some sin will simply not be forgiven. And here He actually divides the ages. Earlier translations spoke of the division of the worlds. But whether we are talking of times or places (and we will discuss the Greek word involved much later in this study), this unforgiveness extends from the present world/time into the next world/time, that is, the time after Jesus comes. This would also be the time after the death of all the saints, for they will now begin living in resurrection bodies.

However, the non-believers will not be raised until after the 1,000 year-reign. This potentially introduces a third "age" that Jesus could be talking about? But do you think they will suddenly be forgiven then? I don't, based on th book of Revelation, which we will cover. In the absence of more thoughts from God, we must use the thoughts/words that He gave us. "No forgiveness" leads to no resurrection with the saints which in turn leads to the final public judgment of Revelation.

Serious business, this. I will not delve deeply into the centuries-old speculation about what this blasphemy could be, but since we know that rejection of Christ is not forgivable, could these two be one? How does one know of Jesus in our day except by the wooing of the Spirit? If that Spirit is "spoken against", i.e. blasphemed, and one's heart is hardened against Jesus...

For our purposes of course, the point is that universalism falsely claims that there will be a point somewhere down the road where forgiveness will "kick in", though the Scripture is silent about such a phenomenon. Surely Jesus would have made that crystal clear in passages like this. But He didn't. "No forgiveness" stands.

Matthew 12:36-37. Here again is the affirmation that there are two classes of people, in this case called the justified and the condemned. And how do they arrive in those categories? By their words, Jesus says. It is, on the surface, true that even for Christians there is a way to be in or out of God's momentary favor based on the careless words proceeding out of our mouths, but the bigger picture here seems to be that those who use their mouths to confess Christ before men will be, or already are, righteous in God's sight. Those who use those same mouths to deny Him will be condemned with that same eternal condemnation of which Jesus speaks in John 3 and 5 (later).

Matthew 12:45. Far from an upward evolutionary trend toward more and more favor from God, the case is made by Jesus here that things can actually get worse and worse for the Christ-rejector, the one who has opened his life to demons.

In the passage, a man is delivered, but cares so little about His soul and eternity that He immediately fills his life with the vanities of this world, making no room for the Spirit's presence. The enemy who has been cast out now returns with company, and that man's house is chosen for a party.

Jesus says that the increased evil in this man's life is typical of the men of this generation, who are getting worse and worse as time progresses. By what logic or statement from God can it be suggested that at the death of men like this, all is turned around and God is happy with this one with whom He has been angry all His days?

I mean, the Psalmist (7:11) did say, did he not, that God is angry with the wicked every day? Does the sinner's death change that? If so, why does Ezekiel (18:23) say that God does not delight in the death of the wicked? You would think that if He had happy plans for evil men, He'd be joyfully anticipating their death so He could fellowship with them now, forever?

Do you see the strange paths we are forced to travel when false teaching has its way?

Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   Taking Daily Steps to the Cross   Christian Churches Become Wealthy While Children Die From Starvation   God Sees All and Knows All, Especially Our Hunger   

How to Become Self - Employed - 3 Critical Pieces to Creating Online Wealth - Fire Your Boss!

Hello and welcome to my article, I just want to talk with you for a minute about becoming self-employed and living the life you want on your own terms.

When done right it can catapult the results you're getting right now. This will be a one way conversation but my hope is that you leave with value.

No one actually likes getting up when they're still tired, going into a job that's not fulfilling, Right?

Some people love their jobs and thank God because we need people like this, their essential to our daily living but in general, people hate their jobs.

I remember when I had to get up to go into a private area of a horse race track to wake up the horses; I did this every morning 7 days a week for a long time. I like horses but sometimes I just didn't want to get up, I forced myself to get out of bed to go into a barn that was very dusty and fowl smelling - it smelt like stale pee, but I got use to it after a while.

I decided that the only way to find the freedom to do things I want to do when I want to do them, is to become self-employed somehow. After spinning my wheels in all sorts of business ideas like pre-paid legal - Tahitian noni and quick start, I decided to try my hand at making money online. I will share what's been working for me and how you can avoid the pitfalls and leap ahead.

Let's take a deeper look and solve this from the beginning before it gets out of control

3 Critical pieces to creating online wealth

List building: This is almost self-explanatory, many of you, if have been reading my blogs and articles know that I always bring this point up, because it's just essential to making money online for the long haul. Make sure you sign up with some auto responder service and collect emails of your target market. You need a way to get in touch with them whenever you want.

Sales funnel: When they get on your list you need to setup messages that go into their inboxes automatically over a period of months. Make each message go out once per day.

Best offer: Not every offer converts the same, make sure that whatever your sending people to will convert at a good percentage. It should convert at the very minimum 1 in 100. So in every 100 people there should be at least 1 sale.

Hope you found value in this, talk again sometime soon...

List Building Tips - Multi Targeting   Four Building Blocks of a High Converting Squeeze Page   The Dos and Don'ts for a Successful Ad Swap   An Email List Building Key: Creating A High Converting Squeeze Page   How to Improve the Trust of Your List and Double Your Profits   

Insurance Selling Through The Internet And A Website

Can you really get internet leads through your website and succeed at insurance selling? These days, having a website is an essential for every profession. A website has the power to create a strong impact on your target market. It is invaluable in making your product or service known, not just in your local community but worldwide. It is simply a must-have for people who are looking to promote and inevitably expand their business.

If you are the owner of an insurance company, big or small, and you don't have a website yet, then you can be sure you're missing a lot. A website can help you generate a number of internet leads that you can use to solidify your business' hold on your target market. Now this website just can't be any regular website. To get leads through your site, you need to have opt-in forms, quote forms and something that people can get for accessing your site. Read on to know the reasons why it's almost a sure thing to get internet leads through your website.

First of all, the internet is today's hottest technology. In fact, as of now an estimated 15% of the planet's population or 970 million people are internet users. Can you imagine what a website would do to your business when it gets exposure via the internet? The number of potential customers you can make by selling your insurance online is just incredible. Second of all, internet and website marketing is great because it's convenient, fast and cheap. People these days don't want to spend their energy on things that eat up a lot of their time and bleed their wallet dry. The internet is accessible and free. You can use tools to put up and design a website without shelling out anything, and offers information at a fast speed, allowing prospects to reach you and get responses right away.

Finally, the internet is the best way to build communities in this day and age. People of all ages turn to the internet to satisfy their need for interaction. Email lists, social networks, and info-sharing sites are a hit because they offer the opportunity to make friends and foster relationships, whether they are of the personal or professional kind. By tapping and connecting with your niche, you're sure to convert random visitors to loyal customers. Indeed, it's very possible to be successful at insurance selling by getting internet leads through your website.

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How Are Loss Assessors More Beneficial Than Independent Agents?

Apart from the insurance companies, there are many independent insurance firms that provide assistance to the insured at the time of filing a claim for their damage. When a person experiences a loss or damage, he/she has a lot of questions, worries and confusions running in his/her mind. For an independent agent it is necessary to read the entire policy and then answer all the queries of the insured. At times, the agent gives his own suggestions or interpretations to the insurer about changes in the policy which can sometimes lead to an embarrassing situation for the agent. This is where loss assessors comes into play. They work in co-ordination with the insured and insurer to cover all the issues.

A loss brings along with it a lot of worries and stress. Person suffering it is under lot of anxiety and mental pressure. At this time he will call the independent agents to report his claim and get him out of this situation. Filing claim followed by all the documentation and paperwork is a very cumbersome job. This is actually the most important part of a claim and a loss assessor can very well handle it without any sort of pressure.

Insured who experiences a loss consults a lot of professional people like insurance agents, legal advisers, contractors. It can be sometimes very infuriating if you do not get any satisfaction from either of them. An independent agent is neutral. He does not want to upset both the insured and the insurer. But the fact is that these both cannot go hand in hand. This is yet another reason why you should prefer loss assessors as they are an outside body. They can make their own decisions without any pressure from the side of the insurer and thus can help the insured more effectively. You can say that a loss assessor is basically an advocate for the insured.

As discussed above, it is very obvious and common that the insurer and the policyholder might have differences of opinions on various issues. An independent agent or a professional insurance adjuster will think from the point of view of obtaining gain from either side. The main motto of a loss assessor is to follow all coverage that the insured is entitled to. He negotiates with all the bodies for the sole benefit of the insured.

It is a grueling task to cope with all elements of a claim and so it should really be performed by a professional who does this on a full-time basis. Thus it is better to hire the services of loss assessors as soon as you experience a loss and are willing to claim for it.

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Medical Insurance For Children - What Parents Should Know

It is essential for parents to get medical insurance for children. Kids are at higher risk of disease and injuries compared to adults. Often, their treatment costs more due to the special care necessary. Find out what your main options for health coverage for kids are and how these can be used to ensure your child's well-being.

Medical insurance for children is available through different government programs. Such types of plans are low priced. You can even get coverage for free. The good news is that these plans cover a wide range of health care services from check ups and immunizations to emergency room treatments, prescription drugs and glasses.

Children can get covered by their parents' group medical insurance. If your employer covers you, the policy may be used by your kids as well. It is a good idea to check for such options with your employer before you resort to any other types of coverage. In general, you can expect a plan through the employer to have some limitations so you have to evaluate such policies carefully before you get to use them.

Private medical insurance for children is readily available from companies underwriting such plans. The special packages for kids work in the same way as the ones for adults. Some plans allow you to choose the physician that you visit. They also have unlimited annual maximum coverage. Others are less flexible allowing you to take your children to a general practitioner who decides whether they need to be seen by a specialist or not.

It is essential for kids to be covered. If the plan that you already own is not sufficient for covering all of your child's health care needs, you should definitely consider buying private coverage. It will certainly be the cheaper option compared to paying for medical services out of your pocket.

How do you get the right private coverage for your child? You should start by collecting and comparing medical insurance quotes. In this way, you will get to select from a range of products to get the maximum benefit while keeping costs to the minimum.

When comparing medical insurance quotes, you have to focus on the services that are covered and on the amount of coverage you get. Pay attention to any service and annual limitations. Compare carefully the premiums and the co-payments as well. Figure out whether you will save by lowering the premium or the size of the co-payments.

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Various Types of Life Insurance

Nowadays, it is a customary practice to have insurance almost on everything. In the popular movie series "The Sopranos", a restaurant is set on fire to protect the owner from being the victim of a fight that would destroy his reputation. Afterwards, the characters chat about the event with lighthearted regret, because they expect the insurance to cover the damage. Of course real life has little to do with movie scripts about the mafia, but this speaks about the status held by insurances in the modern times. They have become financial safety nets; their types have ramified and continue to ramify in order to cater for more and more people.

From a realistic standpoint, it is always better not to have to resort to an insurance. That is why many people avoid the thought of it. But in case of an undesired event (such as sickness, accident or death), having financial support built over time helps improve the situation. This is how life insurances basically work: one agrees to pay a monthly fee over a fixed period of time, in order to insure a certain amount of money. That money (termed "the sum assured") can have multiple purposes, from paying a mortgage to supporting one's dependants to covering the costs of a short-term illness treatment. Bearing this in mind, committing to a monthly premium does not have to seem that daunting. Life insurances have evolved into more flexible types, allowing one to change the status of a policy if one's own financial status and needs change.

The widely known types of life insurance are the term insurance, the permanent insurance, the endowment insurance and the joint insurance. The majority of people purchase either the term insurance or the permanent insurance. These first two are taken with the aim to protect one's financial dependents in case of death, either to pay debts not yet completed at the moment of death or in order to provide financial help immediately after the event. The only difference between them is the period, which can be unlimited for the permanent one.

Still, the benefits can be reaped even with a term life insurance that expires, thanks to the possibility of converting or renewing it. The other two types have some extras: the endowment insurance acts as an investment policy and the joint insurance provides a single insurance for two people (a married couple or business partners). These are just to name a few, but a single search on the web will reveal many other types, as there are life insurances for income protection, private medical services, mortgage protection, critical illness, redundancy, pregnancy, accidents and sickness, life insurance for smokers and the list can go on depending upon a multitude of factors.

Save Up to 60% on Life insurance Policy.

Get Back to the Doctor With an Assurance Quote   Young Adults Finally Enjoying Health Insurance   Another View On Obesity - What Do You Think?   Insurance Company Denying Your Medical Insurance Claims? There's an Appeals Process That Works   Critical Illness Life Insurance   

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